Mansfield Summer Sunset Gin

Flavor Profile

Gin Flavor Visualization for

Nestled within the historic walls of Luxembourg, Mansfeld distillery draws inspiration from the opulent heritage of Peter Ernst von Mansfeld, reflecting the luxurious and multicultural legacy of the region. Their gin embodies this rich cultural narrative, crafted with a dedication to high-quality ingredients and a nod to the decadent history of the castle’s former grandeur.

Summer Sunset Gin is one of four seasonal variations from the distillery.

Tasting notes

Aroma: Very floral, with heady French Lavender, hibiscus green tea, blueberries, and a vague air of summer meadow. It reminds me a bit of Back River Gin.

Flavor: Lavender sings throughout, but there’s a journey of supporting flavors. The lavender starts bright like a field, but turns greener, more like a freshly brewed tea or the lavender in herbes de provenance. Mint alights on the tip of the tongue on entry, but blossoms into intensely green and menthol laden mint tea later.

The later half of the palate is the most surprising, as the summery bright flowers ease into a mild strength aniseed note. With hints of celery seed, Angelica root and herbaceous juniper, summer begins to look in the direction of autumn. It’s a beautiful transition. Although light on juniper throughout, the floral and anise notes are nearly perfectly executed.

Cocktails and suggested serves

Try it in a summer Gin and Tonic with a light tonic. Or pair it with lemonade (especially sparkling). Mansfield Summer Sunset Gin is great paired with fresh citrus. I prefer it with lemon, try it in a Tom Collins or Gin Sour.

Overall, Mansfield Summer Sunset Gin

It’s a beautiful celebration of floral botanicals, with enough juniper to be a gin, but not so much to detract from the impression of a summer meadow. If you like floral gins AND you like a bit of anise, this gin might win you over.


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