Greenhouse Artisan Gin

Greenhouse Artisan Gin
Our rating: 1
Known Botanicals: Acai Bergamot Cardamom Coriander Juniper Lemon Lime

Base Spirit: Grain

Style: Contemporary

Place of Origin: Texas, United States

Distiller/Producer: Gulf Coast Distilleries

Greenhouse’s Artisan Gin includes several kinds of citrus. None are unusual on their own; however the combination of all of the above is somewhat unusual. Produced in Texas at Gulf Coast Distillers— Greemhouse Artisan Gin, is among several others, I recently discovered at a Florida Total Wine. Affordably priced, it aims at the lower price side of the craft market and is distilled from a traditional base of grain.

Tasting notes

Aroma: Sweet and full of candies citrus. The aroma reminds me of something between Smarties candies and with medicinal undertones. Very sweet, with a nose that might be off-putting to some.

Flavor: The palate is slightly more balanced. Juniper and bright orange come in early but they quickly devolve into candy flavors once again. I’m getting grape sweet tarts along with some medicinal qualities.

Finish: The grape flavored cough syrup note is hard to shake. It’s medicinal and fruit flavored all at the same time.


I could see Greenhouse Artisan Gin used as a mixer, especially with powerful co-starring ingredients that would sync with the candied and fruit notes. Try it in a gin and lemonade or gin and cola.

Overall, Greenhouse Artisan Gin

There’s a part of me that wants to like Greenhouse Artisan Gin. The combination of citrus they chose should be exciting and contemporary. However, the end result is that Greenhouse Artisan Gin simply tastes like candies with a hint of juniper.

In some cases, I think it comes closer to working than here. Overall, it’s hard to recommend this gin based on this sample. It is too sweet with the botanicals contributing a saccharine character that is overwhelming and hard to work with behind the bar.

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My wife and I were recommended this and we love it. Use it for earl grey martinis,gin and tonic, blackberry. This is our go to. Never woke up with a headache.

I find it an outstanding gin, definitely non traditional, flavorful and smooth.

This is a big hit in my family and my favorite gin by a decent margin. The citrus flavors are crisp and refreshing, truly a pleasure to sip on in a G&T. I highly recommend to any beginner with a less refined palate who wants to get started on gin.

Aha! Wish I’d read this before buying Green House Artisan Gin. You’ve hit it exactly–too sweet and not nearly the juniper I was hoping for. Looking forward to reading your other reviews.

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My wife and I were recommended this and we love it. Use it for earl grey martinis,gin and tonic, blackberry. This is our go to. Never woke up with a headache.

I find it an outstanding gin, definitely non traditional, flavorful and smooth.

This is a big hit in my family and my favorite gin by a decent margin. The citrus flavors are crisp and refreshing, truly a pleasure to sip on in a G&T. I highly recommend to any beginner with a less refined palate who wants to get started on gin.

Aha! Wish I’d read this before buying Green House Artisan Gin. You’ve hit it exactly–too sweet and not nearly the juniper I was hoping for. Looking forward to reading your other reviews.