Blackfruit Gin

Blackfruit Gin Bottle
Our rating: 3
Known Botanicals: Cucumber Grapefruit Juniper Lavender Lemongrass Orange Plum

Base Spirit: Grain

Style: Contemporary

Place of Origin: California, United States

Distiller/Producer: Coastal Spirits

Blackfruit Gin is a signature botanical expression created by California based Coastal Spirits. It features fourteen botanicals, chief of which is the black plum. They described the selection as inspired by “European tradition,” where the plum features prominently in spirits and cuisine.

Similar to Coastal Spirits flagship gin offering, Gin Farallon, Blackfruit Gin uses vapor infusion for their botanicals and rests the spirit for six week before bottling.

Tasting notes

Nose: Cardamom front and center, with supporting notes of coriander, dusty lavender, and bilberry.

Flavor: Cardamom dominates early, herbaceous juniper becomes prominent mid-palate. Pine facets linger on the finish, with hints if distilled sloes, unsweet berries, lemon rind and a touch more cardamom glow.

Finish: Long with a hazy cardamom seed glow.


Blackfruit Gin lends itself nicely to a number of cocktails, though bartenders would be best advised to treat it like a contemporary style gin in mixing. In the gin and tonic, especially with fresh lemon or lime, it becomes fruity and spicy. It pairs nicely with coke and seltzer for your gin and cola or gin and soda.

Further, it works in a martini with a twist. I found it to be at its peak, paired with citrus, which brightens and seemingly brings the plum notes to the fore.

Overall, Blackfruit Gin

Plum is present and nicely executed; however, the spice notes to me are the star. As a signature botanical gin, it might be a bit lighter on the black plum than you would hope.

Fans of contemporary style spice-forward gins will find a lot to like here. Classic gin fans will taste the juniper— it’s here— but it’s more of the supporting cast than it is a starring botanical.

Overall, a fun gin for fans of the style.

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