Apricot Gin and Juice (Dre and Snoop)


Cocktail type: Gin and Juice

Snoop is no stranger to gin. He’s been singing about it since 1993. He’s been part of enough gin related brand campaigns, it’s hard to keep track of. He’s even got his own— admittedly pretty solid— floral and citrus gin, Indoggo.

For this celebrity gin RTD, he’s paired up with fellow golden era of hip hop rapper Dr. Dre. On the drinks side, they partnered with the team behind the On the Rocks RTD brand.

There are four flavors in the lineup. This one is Apricot flavored, canned at 5.9% ABV it includes apricot, bergamot, honey and natural flavors.

Tasting notes

Color: Surprisingly for having real juice content, it’s nearly perfectly clear. Maybe the gentlest shade of peach, only one step from no color. Also, it has a subtle hazy translucence. For gin and juice, the appearance is surprising.

Aroma: Orange, cantaloupe and a touch of sweet, artificial apricot flavor — sadly for me, poured from the can it vividly calls to mind the medicinal aroma of an orange flavored cough syrup I had as a child.

Flavor: Wow, Apricot Gin and Juice is far less sweet than the nose suggests. I mean that in the best of ways.

Almost quiet at first, it builds into a still rather mild citrus led mid-palate. Unripe nectarine, with a touch of orange. Then unripe white peach flesh, a touch of citric acid like tang.

Surprisingly it also finishes rather dry, with a crisp short ending. Not a ton of gin character in here. Whatever gin may be in Apricot Gin and Juice is buried behind the apricot and citrus flavorings.

Overall, Apricot Gin and Juice

While I like the dryness of the finish and the crisp flavor— I have reservations. Firstly, there’s precious little gin in here. RTD’s that emphasize gin at a lower ABV add things like juniper flavor to boost the quiet gin notes. Other RTD’s have noticed that it’s hard to showcase the spirit at these low ABV percentages. You’re seeing more and more producers canning at 8% or higher.

Lower ABV drinks like Apricot Gin and Juice have a solid place. This drink is closer to your average beer or White Claw— which often makes it easier for people to properly gauge their consumption. Aligning with these mental models is a justifiable approach, especially for brands that aim for mass appeal.

Secondly, I find that it doesn’t resemble a Gin and Juice cocktail. If you’re making one at home and you compare it to this, you’re apt to find it a completely different drink.

However, where I struggle with this RTD is in the word “gin.” I don’t get gin in here, and I think consumers who are looking for gin will be disappointed.

Overall, it’s a crisp, refreshing RTD, that will appeal to fans of White Claw and other alcoholic seltzers. Unfortunately, that’s where I think it ends. It kind of tastes like a White Claw. And while I enjoy those in the right context, it’s not the same context as I would an RTD.

I’m a bit disappointed. I wish they could have been truer to the source material— a real gin and juice— or they could have found a way to dial up some more juniper flavor so it tasted like there is a gin in here.

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