The town of Veliki Preslav is the site of an important historical/archaeological region of the nation of Bulgaria. In fact, just down the road was the first capital of the Bulgarian state. Veliki, Bulgaria was the location of a fortress constructed over 1000 years ago under the rule of Knyaz Boris the first. An important cultural center of the early Bulgarian nation, Preslav has a heritage that spans the entire existence of Bulgaria.
Like the other entries in the Origin series, juniper berries from Veliki, Bulgaria are cold distilled in order to preserve as much of their aromatic oils and character in the gin.
This is the companion piece to Origin:Â Bulgaria with just juniper.
Tasting Notes
Elegantly different. And if this is the exact same botanical mixture as the other origins, I’m shocked. Bright, notes of Cassia and almost anise coming out. Still bright and floral, but the extra botanicals emphasize the juniper side of this batch. Not as overwhelmingly floral. No double-take here. Its just a good gin.
It could definitely work exceedingly well in a Negroni and even that floral side could make for a top notch Aviation. I can easily recommend this batch for mixing. It is a good gin period.
Overall, Veliki, Bulgaria
What a difference provenance makes. Bright and floral, radically different and that’s just from the juniper. Recommended, if you buy one Origin gin as a comparison point, be sure to include this one. It will surprise you.