Magellan Gin

Flavor Profile

Gin Flavor Visualization for

Given the preponderance of blue gins in the late 10’s and early 20’s, I think it’s fair to say that they may have been the original blue gin. Unlike many blue gins on the market today which utilize butterfly pea flower for a color-change trick, Magellan Gin achieved its color by macerating orris roots and flowers in the gin after distillation.

Tasting Notes

Nose: Magellan gin has a bite to it that you might not expect upon first smell. It’s a bit spicy with a fair hit of heat.

Flavor: Coriander, cloves, nutmeg, oily bitter orange rind and a touch of herbaceous juniper. The finish is more peppery with less floral nuance than you might expect.


It makes a good gin and tonic, a rather disappointing Tom Collins, but a top notch Aviation.

As for the Martini and other spirit-forward drinks, the above average heat and astringency makes less ideal. I prefer mixed drinks with Magellan Gin.

Overall, Magellan Gin

The blue color is distinctive and will surely get noticed at the bar; however, as a gin, it ultimately struggles to carve out a space. The heat, somewhat unbalanced spice-forward flavor profile and astringency causes Magellan Gin to come up a bit short in a crowded gin market.

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22 thoughts on “Magellan Gin”

  1. This is my favorite brand for gin and tonics! I happened across it at a local liquor store and noticed it immediately. A blue gin, infused with iris from France? I had to get it. No regrets I even recommended this to the bartender I work with when I asked about which brands of gin we carried. Haven’t tried any other cocktails with Magellan’s but it certainly makes a fantastic blue gin and tonic.

  2. Love this gin. One of my very favourites. Not easy to come by in the UK but I look out for it when I’m on holiday in Europe. It’s a must try if you haven’t already.

  3. My favorite Gin to date. Add to fever Tree tonic water an ice cube and wedge of lime and this gin tastes like paradise. I would not want to add any mixtures they would only mask the flavor profile of this gin. It is the most appealing shade of aqua, like Caribbean waters!

  4. Very nice and accurate review. I tried Magellan for the first time last night, in a dry martini. Thanks.

  5. Thanks so much for the information, I hadn’t heard that yet- good to know. It is too bad, because sadly I think that the color has kind of hurt it. It’s a pretty good spirit, but people don’t like their gin funny colors.

  6. Hearing discontinued here in Texas. Distributors not carrying it. Went around and bought remaining large bottles. I love this gin.

  7. Agreed! Very good review indeed and I thank you. I received a bottle of this gin for Christmas along with my usual brown bottled gin. The color threw me off from the get-go. I wasn’t sure if the bottle was blue or the gin. Of course it was the latter. Invited a friend over for a tasting. I did not care for it to sip but in a gin and tonic it was well nice. The fact that the gin’s color comes from irises was new and interesting to me. I’m sad to hear that it may be discontinued. It definitely would be one that I would keep in my bar. I will run out and buy a bottle or two before that happens.

  8. Perhaps I used a poor quality tonic water or the wrong ratio, but it made a very bitter nasty tasting g&t when I tried just a few months ago. On the other hand, I’ve found that it’s smooth and soft to drink neat. It’s a very unique and beautiful gin that I fell in love with. My only worry is that I’ll run out of it someday. It’s hard to find.

  9. Bought it at Bottles & Cases on Long Island, NY, thought it was the best tasting gin I’ve had….and fyi, contrary to the reviews, i definitely put this in the category of “sipping gins”

  10. Long time lurker/browser, first-time poster… I originally purchased Magellan to use in the fabulous and (still Summer fave) cocktail “Cucumberous” from Post-Prohibition. That was, I believe, in 2014. It’s been a hit every time it’s been made (pain that it is, as a host for many people who almost all want seconds and thirds…) and it was always the “true blue” Magellan. The price of it has soared here in Quebec where we’re at the whims and mercy of the Provincial controlled SAQ for all of our liquor locally. It was in the low $30’s and is now nearly $44 (CAD, but still) and isn’t always available. I buy it when it is and store it away for whenever that specific cocktail calls to me. To be fair, I know other gins could match or surpass it’s ability in that particular cocktail (and if we’re going for colour only, then the Bleu Royal would “pop” more, though not without a significant change in taste) but for me it’s just a requirement for that specific cocktail and has, at this point, some personal nostalgia, even.

    Review is very accurate and nostalgia-aside, it’s definitely surpassed by many other widely available gins in every category. It does make a good G&T with the right tonics (I particularly like it with Fever Tree Aromatic, and not just for the color, but you’re sure to wow some guests with that alone!) and the Aviation, too, was a success. I still feel it’s more of novelty than anything else. All that said, I will always keep a fresh sealed bottle in the collection. Long as I can get it, at least. It’s one of those mid-level decent gins I overpay a bit for just to keep around for various reasons.

    My review says 3, but it’s a 3.5 for me and 4 for various friends/family who are less gin knowledgeable (simply having experienced less gins overall, not a knock or snobby comment!) who get a kick out of it and the drink I make with it.

  11. A friend introduced this gin to me served on ice with an olive……didn’t really care for it at all. Tossed it out & that was that, probably had a beer or something else to ease the disappointment. Left his home the next day & the bottle was in my car. Took home & put in cabinet. Couldn’t resist the beautiful design of the bottle,the color & aroma…Tried it just on the rocks and have been a fan for over 6 years. Couldn’t find it in Ohio…..visited Myrtle Beach & bought every bottle I could find. It just doesn’t need enhanced by anything…just ice.
    It sips so well.

  12. This is my favorite gin, however, not mixed with anything except a bit of lemon peel, shaken with ice and strained into a glass. It is difficult to find.

  13. This is my favorite Gin. Shaken hard with ice, strained into a glass with a strip of lemon peel. It is difficult to find., sadly.

  14. Found it at AVC in Jacksonville, NC. The color plus the Iris infusion, peaked my interest. Have yet to open it as I was scouring the web for possible recipes. I think I’ll taste it neat, then make an Aviation, a favorite cocktail in our household! 😉