Thomas Henry Tonic Water


Tonic water type:tonic water
Sweetener: Sugar

Launched in 2010, Thomas Henry Tonic Water has risen— and is held in quite high esteem by Gin and Tonic aficionados. Sweetened, only slightly with sugar Thomas Henry Tonic celebrates the Pharmacist of the same name.

Thomas Henry lived from 1734–1816 in London and his predictions proved prescient. Impressed by Joseph Priestly’s discovery of dephlogisticated air (read: Oxygen), Henry remarked “That is, we suppose, this dephlogisticated air will soon come to be sold, like ice at the confectioners, or to be as fashionable as French wine at the fashionable taverns.” Of course, like wine, he continued, it would likely first only be sold at apothecaries. [Source: Essays Physical and Chemical]

Priestly invented soda water, but Henry was inspired to sell it. Henry was well known by the late 1770’s for selling seltzer bottles from his apothecary. And for that, Thomas Henry is on the label of Thomas Henry Tonic Water.

Tasting Notes

Very delicate and faint orange note on the nose. It’s very subtle in terms of its aroma a first. You can see a lot of very tight, small bubbles popping in the glass.

On the palate, Thomas Henry Tonic Water is subtle with only mild sweetness, and a faint bitterness comes on late with a touch of citric bite.

The bubbles would do Priestly and Henry proud. Small, tight, and surprisingly homogeneous. Bubbles pop gentle even on the back of the palate, lifting your gin’s flavor all the way from front of the mouth to the back.

With Gin, Thomas Henry Tonic Water lets the gin shine. It adds a beautiful bitterness and pleasant effervescence. The gin certainly is the star and in the case of Thomas Henry Tonic Water it’s the effervescent quality of the carbonation that really brings the gin to the fore.


If you’re particular about you tonic waters and you like a Gin and Tonic that highlights your gin without a ton of distracting additional features: Thomas Henry is your man. And Thomas Henry Tonic Water is easily one of my favorites.

It’s merely a shame that stateside it’s nearly impossible to come by; however, gin and tonic fans in the UK will be pleased to know it is available on Amazon.

Highly Recommended.