Laitilan Gini Long Drink


Cocktail type: Long drink

Yet another Finnish Long Drink, this one from Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas. Laitilan for short, they’re known for being a soft drink producer and brewery. Open since 1995, Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas runs entirely on wind power.

Laitilan Gini is 6% ABV, and says right on the can that it is made with “London Dry Gin.”

Tasting Notes

A bit of Squirt on the nose, and a note of ruby red grapefruit as well, along with the more expected white grapefruit juice notes.

On the palate, it’s grapefruit early and late. The juniper is rather dull and not very clear amidst the overwhelming grapefruit. While Laitilan Gini Long Drink has a nice grapefruit flavor, there’s not as much gin character here as I was hoping.

Towards the finish, there’s a hint of lemon zest and white grapefruit flesh. It finishes moderately sweet and gently sour. It’s nice and refreshing overall, but gin lovers may want a bit more gin in their long drink.


A clean, refreshing Finnish long drink, but Laitilan Gini Long Drink ultimately could use a bit more juniper to balance out the grapefruit.

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