Fleischmann’s Gin

Our rating: 2.5
Known Botanicals: Juniper

Base Spirit: Grain

Style: Classic

Place of Origin: Kentucky, Ohio, United States

Distiller/Producer: Barton Brands

Charles Louis Fleischmann, along with his brother, produced America’s first commercial yeast product. He revolutionized baking bread in America. Founded in 1868, the very same plant became home to America first distilled dry gin and vodka. The label proudly declares itself “America’s first gin,” and why not? Surely our architecture can’t compete with the half-a-millennia or older buildings that are routine across England, but its curious that James Burrough’s 1876 founding of Beefeater earns him founding father status in gin history, but the Fleischmann brothers are mere footnotes. Fleischmann’s Gin is as classic, and as old, as many of those, and yet rarely earns a mention in the same breath…

Fleischmann’s Gin has been made continually since that time, and we’ve even tried a few different vintages.

Tasting Notes

Aroma: Juniper and spicy, dusty coriander on the nose, while an intimation of celery and pine hovers in the background.

Flavor: The palate itself is smooth and rich. It begins quietly, biding its time while juniper builds. Mid-palate, you won’t be mistaken for what you’re drinking. Dusty coriander again, comes on mid and ushers in the finish.

Finish: Crisp, with lemon and terpenic pine.

Cocktails and suggested serves

Though mixing seemed a bit of a letdown, because despite the robust flavor profile present when sipped on its own, it was easily overpowered in many of the cocktails we tried it in. Granted, at 40% it’s still rather low when held side-by-side with many other gins on the shelves these days, but it easily outweighs the classics available in the UK which are bottled at a measly 37.5%.


Gin and Tonic Syrup worked well, The mild flavor profile we thought would be an ideal pairing with this gin, allowing its flavors to shine through. Gentle spice, ginger, citrus and cinnamon ushered in a smooth and semi-sweet finish, with only a touch of bitterness.

Finally, owing to the end of the winter season, we took a turn in our Tom Collins, replacing the Lemon with Tangerine. So a Tangerine Collins was the drink of choice. There was a nice blending of tangerine and juniper early on, with bright citrus grounded by a bit more pine and coriander. The finish was clean with the highly aromatic top notes of tangerine emerging from down in the mix.

Overall, Fleischmann’s Gin

For an inexpensive gin, Fleischmann’s Gin is quite nice. I wish it were bottled at a higher proof so that it mixed better. It’s only a couple of tweaks away from being a good gin. For now I have a hard time placing it. The off note on the finish hurts it on its own, and the fact that it’s easily overpowered in cocktails (but the off-note is nowhere to be found) leaves me in a touch place. It’s better than most inexpensive gins at this price point, though I’d recommend mixing it, dial it up just a touch over where you normally do your gin just to ensure you get the right amount of gin flavor.

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where can I purchase this gin in Delaware and/or Eastern Shore Maryland.

Have you changed your formula lately? The last two bottles I bought have tasted bad. What’s up? Please go back to original taste. I have been purchasing your product for over 20 years!!!

Can I buy in the UK

Please advise if available in the united kingdom

Hate the new or original flavor. Need to find something else.

can you please tell me where I can find the “airline” sample size of Fleischmann’s gin? I live in Pasadena, CA. thank you!

This gin did actually used to be bottled at 90 proof because I can very clearly remember my grandparents always having this brand or sometimes Gordon’s in their liquor cabinet in order to make pitchers of gin and tonics with fresh lime in a big blue glass pitcher for pretty much every family cookout during the summertime back in the 1960’s and 70’s.

Grain? What kind? I’m wheat sensitive

I Knew this Gin changed… It was my favorite too. I came here after opening a bottle to disappointment 2 weeks ago. It looks like I’m going to have to find another brand of Gin to drink. It used to be Super heavy on the Juniper and Super heavy on the Heat with a hint of spice. It’s like finding out Coke no longer tastes like Coke and switched flavors with Pepsi.

Bought this gin and was totally disappointed. I don’t taste anything close to gin when mixed with tonic and lime. Sorry your gin does not cut it and will look for a brand that tastes like gin should.

What have you done to the gin? It is terrible now!

Very mild, made it in a Martini. I think this might be better on the rocks, with just a twinge of lime. Nothing offensive, just not anything that really stands out. McCormick gin has a bit more of the classic Juniper flavors, and cost about the same…

what have done to your gin. the tastes awful. something has changed.

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where can I purchase this gin in Delaware and/or Eastern Shore Maryland.

Have you changed your formula lately? The last two bottles I bought have tasted bad. What’s up? Please go back to original taste. I have been purchasing your product for over 20 years!!!

Can I buy in the UK

Please advise if available in the united kingdom

Hate the new or original flavor. Need to find something else.

can you please tell me where I can find the “airline” sample size of Fleischmann’s gin? I live in Pasadena, CA. thank you!

This gin did actually used to be bottled at 90 proof because I can very clearly remember my grandparents always having this brand or sometimes Gordon’s in their liquor cabinet in order to make pitchers of gin and tonics with fresh lime in a big blue glass pitcher for pretty much every family cookout during the summertime back in the 1960’s and 70’s.

Grain? What kind? I’m wheat sensitive

I Knew this Gin changed… It was my favorite too. I came here after opening a bottle to disappointment 2 weeks ago. It looks like I’m going to have to find another brand of Gin to drink. It used to be Super heavy on the Juniper and Super heavy on the Heat with a hint of spice. It’s like finding out Coke no longer tastes like Coke and switched flavors with Pepsi.

Bought this gin and was totally disappointed. I don’t taste anything close to gin when mixed with tonic and lime. Sorry your gin does not cut it and will look for a brand that tastes like gin should.

What have you done to the gin? It is terrible now!

Very mild, made it in a Martini. I think this might be better on the rocks, with just a twinge of lime. Nothing offensive, just not anything that really stands out. McCormick gin has a bit more of the classic Juniper flavors, and cost about the same…

what have done to your gin. the tastes awful. something has changed.