Bathtub Sloe Gin

Our rating: 4.5
Known Botanicals: Cinnamon Clove Coriander Juniper Orange Sloe

Base Spirit: Grain

Style: Cordial

Place of Origin: United Kingdom

Distiller/Producer: Ableforths Spirits

The Ableforth’s Line of cold-compounded gins has been expanded to include a Bathtub Sloe Gin. Which I think is fitting that a bathtub gin line would include a Sloe variant. This differs from other Sloe gins in that everything— not just the sloes— are added via infusion. The Sloe gin is then sweetened and bottled at 33.8%, which is actually quite high for a cordial gin. We’ve seen Sloe Gins as low as the 20’s in terms of ABV, so compared to others on the market, Ableforth’s may pack a slight bit more of a punch.

This is day 8 of the 2016 Master of Malt Ginvent Calendar. If you want to join us, we’ll be reviewing one gin, every day for the next 17 days leading up to Christmas 2016. Learn More or Buy One yourself.  Now back to your regularly scheduled review.

Tasting Notes

At first, a sweet pie-like note of Boysenberrry and then creamy Turkish delight, with hazelnuts and marzipan like notes. A hint of piquant savory spice hovers above the mix, lending it a slight mulled wine like note, with cinnamon, brown sugar and caramelized candied nut. Wow, this nose is absolutely stunning.

The palate certainly has the touch of plum tartness that you’d expect, but also those sweet candied nuts — certainly now Hazelnut turkish delight, a hint of figs, and vanilla touched berry cream. There’s a slight poke of juniper, especially towards the finish. Which despite the intense creaminess and rich berry notes, is surprisingly dry with a touch of astringency.

It finishes quite dry and slightly sour, puckering the mouth and leaving the palate whet for more. And more I certainly want. On its own, Bathtub Sloe Gin may be one of the best Sloe gins I’ve had.

I really appreciate the higher proof point which keeps it from being too cloying, which is difficult territory that some Sloe gins veer into; however, what really wins me over is the way that it tastes plum-like and berry-like without being taking on some of those saccharine cherry and mentholated notes which can connotate cough syrup.


It’s a Sloe Gin, so of course the Sloe Gin Fizz is a must try, and it certainly delivers there. But I also could see some potential for warming it up and maybe spiking some wine with it in a Mulled Wine; however, I drank it all just writing this review.


Given that it was only a small sample, I ponder that perhaps with some bit more, this could be a five star Sloe Gin. But right now, I’ll settle for saying that Bathtub Sloe Gin is a really excellent Sloe Gin that I think may actually be among the best you can buy. It’s nicely balanced between being true to the style and retaining some essential gin characteristics. Highly Recommended within its category, and it may easily be among the best in its class. Anyone who is looking for a seriously good Sloe Gin is advised to check this one out.

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