Finnish Cocktail

Finnish Long Drink with Fresca

Finnish Cocktail recipe


Notes on the Finnish Long Drink

For the unfamiliar the Finnish Long Drink was first produced by Hartwall for the 1952 Summer Olympics. For students of Olympic history, this might be best remembered as the first summer olympics since 1912 where medals were not awarded for art (which is a shame that hometown talent Aale Tynni wasn’t able to defend her 1948 gold medal in Literature for Laurel of Hellas, but I digress). This meant that while the Hartwall Long Drink itself wasn’t eligible for any medals, the blend of grapefruit soda and gin would have to settle for wining hearts. And that it did.

The Finnish Long Drink is normally an about to 5%–8% alcoholic beverage generally composed as a combination of gin and grapefruit. The product was discontinued in the 1970s, however, due to popularity (and a good dose of nostalgia) that original Hartwall drink returned. [read more]

This variation came out of several experiments to try and best create the Finnish Long Drink outside of its home country.

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