Gin: The Art and Craft of the Artisan Revival

aaronknoll_gin_bookcover Can you believe it, we’re almost there! Gin: The Art and Craft of the Artisan Revival is just a little over a month away! Over a year of hard work writing (and drinking!) will soon be in your living room. Or bar. Or well wherever you like to enjoy a good cocktail and read about fabulous spirits.

Looking to Pre-order?

Gin: The Art and Craft of the Artisan Revival will be available wherever fantastic books are sold. So please feel free to wait and pick it up On September 17th at your local independent and major bookstores. But if you want to ensure you’ve got your copy, here are some handy links on where you can pre-order.

In Canada: From Indigo

In the States: Indie Bound, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble

In UK/Europe: Book Depository, Amazon, or Waterstones

Thanks for reading! and I can’t wait to share this book with you! 

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It is available in Australia? Or do I have to order it from the US?

That is excellent news. Congrats on the new book. Maybe I should interview you for my gin site about your new book? I’m sure you have a lot of Danish readers.

hi Aaron,
This is looking great! And thanks for all your effort to make the 2nd edition. I will order today:-)

I’d love to- I have a growing number of readers from Scandinavia. There’s a feature on Danish distiller Anders Bilgram of Nordisk Brænderi in the book, as well as a good number of gins from the region, with every nation represented. Anyway, I’d definitely be interested if that’s something you think your readers would be interested in.

Let’s talk: [email protected]

Congrats, can’t wait to pick it up when it’s out